ENGLISHThis month, students explored Unit 2, Would You Like to Live Here? through fun activities and discussions about different places to live. They practiced comprehension skills and framed sentences to improve their writing. In grammar, we introduced conjunctions and made learning interactive with activities and group exercises. Students also completed tasks in their books and notebooks to strengthen their understanding.We also celebrated Mental Health Day with a special activity, helping students learn the importance of taking care of their m inds and emotions. It was a joyful month of learning and reflection! MathsIn October, young learners were introduced to fractions, explored terms such as numerator and denominator, and practiced reading fractions. They learned to represent fractions visually by drawing and shading parts of a whole. Students became familiar with like and unlike fractions, learning to differentiate between the two. Using fraction kits, they explored quarters, halves, one-eighths, and one-sixths, creatively building real-life objects to deepen their understanding. They were also introduced to unit fractions and learned about proper and improper fractions, making notes and practicing sorting to solidify these concepts. Additionally, students developed skills in comparing, adding, and subtracting like fractions through engaging word problems. ICTThe students explored MS Word 2016, learning multiple techniques for selecting text using both the keyboard and mouse. They also practiced editing text and discovered tools for checking spelling and grammar, as well as using the thesaurus when needed. They enjoyed typing and experimenting with various features of Word. Hindiछात्रों को समय का महत्व समझाते हुए, विडियो दिखाकर ‘हर काम ठीक समय पर’ पाठ का परिचय दिया गया। काम को सही समय पर करने का महत्व बताते हुए छात्रों से पाठ का पठन करवाया गया। ‘समय का महत्व’ विषय पर कार्य-पुस्तिका में अनुच्छेद लेखन करवाया गया। छात्रों को लोककथा के विषय में बताते हुए कुछ प्रश्न पूछे गए तत्पश्चात पाठ-'टिपटिपा' का पठन करवाया गया व अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया। सतत विकास लक्ष्य -१५ थलीय जीवों की सुरक्षा से एकीकृत करते हुए क्रियात्मक गतिविधि के अंतर्गत छात्रों ने समूह बनाकर विभिन्न जानवरों व उनके घरों के लाए गए चित्रों का कोलाज बनाया । छात्रों को एक शब्द के कई नाम हो सकते हैं इसकी जानकारी देते हुए पर्यायवाची शब्द का परिचय दिया गया व पाठ-पठन करवाकर अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया । बहुमुखी प्रतिभा ‘चित्रांकन’ से एकीकृत क्रियात्मक गतिविधि के अंतर्गत छात्रों को भिन्न -भिन्न चित्र दिखाते हुए उनके पर्यायवाची शब्द कार्य -पुस्तिका में चित्र सहित लिखवाए गए । पुनरावृत्ति हेतु अभ्यास पत्र दिया गया। वीडियो लिंक की सहायता से वन्य प्राणी हाथी के विषय में उपयोगी जानकारी दी गई । नाटकीय ढंग से कविता- घूम हाथी झूम हाथी का सामूहिक गायन करवाया गया व साथ-साथ अभिनय करवाया गया। सतत विकास लक्ष्य -१५ थलीय जीवों की सुरक्षा व कला से एकीकृत क्रियात्मक गतिविधि के अंतर्गत छात्रों द्वारा आसान चरणों में हाथी का चित्र बनवाया गया व हाथी के विषय में तथ्य लिखवाए गए। छात्रों को न डरने की सीख और मुसीबत में विवेक का प्रयोग करने की सीख मिली । छात्रों को व्याकरणिक ज्ञान की जानकारी प्राप्त हुई व उनके शब्दकोश में वृद्धि हुई और छात्रों की भाषिक योग्यता में भी वृद्धि हुई । https://youtu.be/6gKJY1BeqAA?feature=shared https://youtu.be/AZGUhyFMfNo?feature=shared https://youtu.be/yHCbBNi69eI https://youtu.be/7BNCOF23Jh4?si=ET3rnWPUyCX8GakR scienceLearners started this month's learning journey by exploring air, water and weather facts. They learned about the water cycle and observed the processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection through hands-on learning activity. They also explored different weather conditions, how these conditions change, and the causes behind these changes. Discussion and explanation were also done on the topic of seasons. They further delved into the topic of solids, liquids and gases where they learned about various types of matter. Age-appropriate videos, PowerPoint presentations, and interactive sharing sessions were used as teaching methods to facilitate learning. To expand their knowledge, samples of different types of matter were shown. Students also participated in activities using paper strips to explore the molecular structure of solids, liquids, and gases. https://youtu.be/ncORPosDrjI?feature=shared https://youtu.be/QQsybALJoew?feature=shared https://youtu.be/oIYyeFhZ7eE?feature=shared social studiesOur young learners were introduced to the topic of Means of Travel, where they explored the evolution of transportation. They learned that, in the past, people often had to walk long distances, whereas today’s advanced modes of transport allow us to reach destinations more quickly and comfortably. Through engaging discussions, they discovered the different types and modes of transportation available today, including unique ones like submarines, spaceships, and metro trains. They also gained valuable knowledge about essential safety rules to follow while travelling, walking, and even playing. Additionally, they learned about the benefits of carpooling, the importance of public transportation, and the meaning behind traffic signals. The chapter concluded with a meaningful moral message: drive less, walk more. PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBadminton: Warm-Up, Jogging Around the Court,Dynamic Stretches: Focus on wrists, shoulders, legs, Footwork Drills, Racket Grip Practice, Forehand Grip, Backhand Grip, Footwork Basics, Shuffling Drill, Front and Back Movement, Shadow Play, Basic Shots Practice, Serve Practice, Clear Shots, Drop Shots, Rally and Control. Gymnastics: Floor exercise round off, bars, swing and support position, vault jumping with spring board. Judo: Ushiro sabaki (Movement), Stretching, Warm up with a mirror game, Exercise, Ushiro Sabaki (Movement), Fun activity (in or out), Cooldown / Meditation. Mae sabaki (Movement), Stretching, General warm up, Fun activity (dodgeball), Cooldown / Meditation. Cricket: Bowling drills, Agility and speed drills, Practice matches, Hand-eye coordination games. Football: Heading; Throwing: skills taught ● Approach, Take off, Hang arch, Landing, Forehead heading in front on ground, Forehead heading with jump. Passing; Receiving: Recap dribbling fundamental. ● Push pass (In Step), Push pass (out step), In step receiving the ball Shooting & Kicking: Drills to teach: ● In step, Short-distance kicking Attack: Drills to teach ● Dribbling in forward direction, Dribbling with 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3. Basketball: Basketball shooting, step back, fake and jump shot, 3*3 format matches, 5*5 format matches. performing & visual artAnnual Day preparation & practices
EnglishSeptember month was filled with engaging activities across subjects for Grade 3. In Grammar, students mastered singular and plural nouns (Units 2, 5, 15) and explored punctuation (Unit 19). They delved into the Sustainable Development Goals through Worksheet 7 of their SDG book and showcased creativity in the Poetry Recitation Assessment. In Literature, the students explored "Staying Healthy" (Unit 11), including a handwashing activity to emphasize the benefits of good hygiene. Students also completed Robinson Crusoe (Units 8-10). Story-writing practice fueled imagination, while Nelson Spelling (Units 7, 8) enhanced vocabulary through dictation and spelling exercises.
The month began with an introduction to and understanding of plants, as well as the various parts of plants. Our young learners also conducted an activity on germination to observe the different stages of this process. The concept became clearer through diagrams illustrating the shoot system and root system of a plant. To enhance their understanding, students were taken on a nature walk where they had the opportunity to observe different types of roots, leaves, and stems in nature and recorded their observations. They did the leaf printing activity to deeply understand the parts of plants. Students brought the seeds and presented them in the class and highlighted the benefits of using them in our diet. https://youtu.be/P1LH1C_HGTY?feature=shared They further delved into the topic of soil, where they learned about various soil types. Age-appropriate videos, PowerPoint presentations, and interactive sharing sessions were used as teaching methods to facilitate learning. To expand their knowledge, samples of different types of soil were shown. Students also engaged in discussions about the layers of soil and what it contains along with the importance of soil for a sustainable future. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=soil+formation social scienceThis month, the children explored various occupations related to animals, with a detailed focus on sericulture. The learning experience was enhanced by integrating life skills, particularly how to care for a pet as an animal caretaker. Following this, the topic of food and its importance was introduced, covering oilseeds, cereals, and seasonal fruits and vegetables. The children also learned about Indian spices, mapping out the famous spices and the states where they are found. To further strengthen their understanding, they engaged in map work and completed a Frayer model activity to reflect on their learning. In addition, situation-based sessions on food wastage were conducted, making the concept clear and helping them connect to the value of saving food. They learned that "food saved now is food stored for later", emphasizing mindful consumption. The month’s learning culminated in the creation of posters on food wastage, reinforcing their understanding of the topic. mathStudents were introduced to another mathematical operation- Division in the month of September. An interesting activity helped the children to do a recap of key terms related to division. The concept of remainder was understood by them with the help of straws and other real life objects. The children continued their learning further by understanding rules of division. Learners related division concept with real life surroundings and solved division word problems using RUCSAC method. Dividing a 2/3 digit dividend with 1 digit divisor using long division method was a new concept for them in Grade III in which the children sailed seemlessly. hindiमास का आरंभ, हर्षोल्लास से 'शिक्षक दिवस' मनाते हुए किया गया। क्रिया के विषय में समझाकर अभ्यास-कार्य करवाया गया। छात्रों के भाषिक ज्ञान व शब्द भंडार में वृद्धि हुई। पाठ- 'मैं हवा हूँ' का परिचय हवा के विषय में चर्चा करते हुए व हवा के उपयोग बताते हुए दिया गया । तत्पश्चात पाठ का पठन करवाकर अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया । छात्रों को स्वच्छ हवा व दूषित हवा के स्वास्थ्य पर प्रभाव का ए -४ शीट पर वर्णन करने का कार्य दिया गया । जन्माष्टमी के पावन पर्व से एकीकृत करते हुए भगवान श्री कृष्ण व सुदामा की दोस्ती का वीडियो दिखाया गया व जीवन में सच्चे मित्र की पहचान व उसके होने के महत्व को समझाया गया। तत्पश्चात पाठ - 'उड़न खटोला' का पठन करवाया गया छात्रों ने 'हिन्दी दिवस' बड़े ही जोश के साथ मनाया जहाँ उन्होंने वाद -विवाद गतिविधि में भाग लेते हुए समाज के महत्वपूर्ण विषयों पर अपने विचारों की अभिव्यक्ति दी। साथ ही साथ विभिन्न कक्षा परीक्षाओं में भाग भी लिया। चॉकलेट कैसे बनती है, इसके फायदे और नुकसान क्या है, वीडियो लिंक की सहायता से बताया गया। इस तरह से छात्रों की कल्पनाशक्ति, चिंतनक्षमता एवं बौद्धिक स्तर का विकास हुआ। छात्रों के व्याकरणिक ज्ञान की जानकारी, शब्दकोश में वृद्धि और छात्रों की भाषिक योग्यता में वृद्धि हुई। । छात्रों ने ‘दिखाओ और बताओ’ गतिविधि में भाग लिया व विभिन्न वस्तुओं को दिखाते हुए उनकी विशेषताओं का वर्णन किया। तत्पश्चात विशेषण समझाया गया व कार्यपुस्तिका व पाठ्य-पुस्तिका में अभ्यास-कार्य करवाया गया। संबंधित लिंक: https://youtu.be/nvA0zNBFTFQ?feature=shared https://youtu.be/AvakIFgvDPQ ICTThe students understood the components of Word 2016. They learnt how to select the text on word using the mouse and using the keyboard. They also learnt how to insert the text, move the text. Move the text, etc. physical educationBadminton: Practicing footwork and movements with a shuttlecock, Students were practicing 6 corners footwork and clear skill practice, 21 points matches and knock out. Swimming: Breathing techniques inside and outside water, bubbling, freestyle kicking on spot, arm action of freestyle stroke. Gymnastics: Standing bridge, hop kart wheel, Wall handstand, High beam, Balancing beam and Podium jump Judo: Tai sa baki ( turning movement ) ogosogi (waste techniques)tsugi ashi (walking movement). Cricket: Bat swing drills, catching drills, fielding drills, Games for hand and eye coordination, Friendly matches. Shooting: Weapon introduction, fundamentals and safety rules, range commands, double hand holding with 1Kg dumble (30 sec) without dumble (45 seconds) Dummy holding on the wall, firing position. Football: Ball control ; Dribbling: Drills to teach: Short Taps (In-step),Short taps (Out-step),Long taps (In-step) ,Long taps (out-step) Passing ; Receiving, Recap dribbling fundamental, Push pass (In Step), Push pass (out step), In step receiving the ball shooting, Kicking Drills to teach, In step Short-distance kicking indian musicसितंबर माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से, तीन ताल परिचय, तबला बोल गीत, राग सारंग परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक, तबला ,कांगो ,हारमोनियम । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक वाद्य -स्वरतारंग कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) WESTERN MUSICOur students have been learning to play "I Have a Dream" by ABBA, focusing on both drumming and guitar techniques. For the drums, they practiced the paradiddle pattern: Paradiddle pattern: Right-Left-Right-Right and Left-Right-Left-Left Technique: Begin slowly to ensure control and evenness in each stroke, then gradually increase speed while practicing with a metronome to maintain steady timing. Students also applied paradiddles in drum fills and grooves to enhance their versatility. On the guitar, they followed a 4/4 strumming pattern: 1st beat: Strong, steady downstroke 2nd beat: Softer downstroke After 2nd beat: Quick, light upstroke 3rd beat: Light, quick upstroke After 3rd beat: Softer downstroke Upstroke: Strong and steady The students practiced using drums, guitar, piano, and keyboard, and they enjoyed blending these instruments to create a harmonious rendition of this beautiful song! WESTERN DANCEIn their Western Dance lessons with Mr. Shree Ram, the students learned: 1. The dance form: indian cdontemporary on the song "Hua Shankhnaad." 2. Basic vocabulary of INDIAN Contemporary dance like Adda, Chowk, single leg posses and many more. 3. Creation of a small routine with powerful movement combinations and incorporating vocal expressions. DRAMAIn September, our drama class focused on the topic "My Story" and explored creative ways to build narratives. Key activities included: • Introduction to Three-Act Structure: We discussed the elements of a story – beginning, middle, and end – to help students understand basic storytelling. • Collaborative Story Creation: o Students built stories by speaking one word at a time. o Later, they created another story, with each student contributing one sentence. Both stories were then performed in class. • Personal Narratives: Students shared personal incidents to improve their narration skills and learn how to introduce themselves and their stories effectively. • Group Story Re-creation: Students worked in groups, selected famous stories, and re-imagined them by changing the ending or adding new elements. They discussed and performed their re-created versions in class. These activities enhanced creativity, teamwork, and storytelling skills. INDIAN DANCEIn Indian Dance classes students learnt about " Five elements of nature" through dance. They understood the significance of five elements of nature to create balance and tranquillity on the earth. They mastered the steps based on semi classical dance with counts of 4 and 8. Steps and movements help them to understand Sanskrit lyrics and musicality. Gradually they understood Sanskrit lyrics with meaning and musicality along with dance moves and hast mudras of classical dance. Song : Bhumi Mangalam. life skillsThe life skills took students on a reflective journey through a recap of earlier themes. Self-awareness, understanding one's strengths, and recognizing the qualities of a good friend were revisited. The class discussed the importance of kindness and how it connects to building strong friendships. Students shared personal experiences and engaged in group discussions to highlight their understanding of the topics. Activities focused on encouraging each student to reflect on their own behaviour, recognize the strengths they bring to their friendships, and commit to practicing kindness in daily interactions.
EnglishIn August, our Grade 3 students engaged in a range of exciting activities that fostered creativity and language skills. We began with a Picture Composition exercise, where students showcased their imaginative abilities. The revision of pronouns reinforced essential grammar concepts, ensuring a solid foundation for their writing. The highlight of the month was Unit 3, where we explored the classic tale "The Princess and the Pea." Students not only enjoyed reading and discussing the story but also exercised their creativity by framing sentences with vocabulary from the text and crafting their own alternative endings. Our budding writers were introduced to the basics of story writing, sparking their interest in creating their own narratives. Additionally, assessments have started, allowing us to gauge the students' progress. It was a month full of learning, creativity, and growth! ScienceStudents participated in Parent Walk-In with full zeal and enthusiasm wherein students learned and enhanced their 21st-century skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration. Parents were in awe after seeing the hard work that students have put in. Moving forward the topic, the eating habits of animals was introduced. With the help of video clips, students were taught how animals eat and why they have different types of eating habits. They also learned why animals have different types of teeth and various ways of eating, such as gnawing, swallowing, and chewing the cud. After a little brainstorming and group discussion food chain was explained to the students, and they were asked to make a food chain as a group activity. This helped them to understand and relate how the food chain and food web are an integral part of our ecosystem. In the activity, they made a food chain and then a food web to explain how they are interconnected. Age-appropriate suitable videos, PPTs, and interactive sessions were the methodologies used in guiding the learning throughout. https://youtu.be/3BVXnzKq5hY?feature=shared Social ScienceTaking the Occupation lesson forward, they were introduced to sericulture in detail. Students explored their map skills and marked on the map of India various states famous for the different types of occupations related to animals. Learners were asked - 'Do you think what you like to do in your free time is also an occupation?' So such thought-provoking questions made learners think about the difference between an occupation and a hobby. They gave exciting and informative presentations on the Animal Career Showcase, beautifully linking it to SDGs also. Some people visit us every day and help us keep our homes clean, cars clean, parks clean, keep our society clean, water tap issues, etc. Who are they? Do you think these people are important to us? The topic of community helpers was introduced with the help of a role play in the class in groups and the importance of these community helpers in our lives and the value of their work was discussed. Using video clips, students were taught how animals eat and why they have different eating habits. They also learned why animals have different types of teeth and various ways of eating, such as gnawing, swallowing, and chewing the cud. https://youtu.be/N5OuMbbT04Q https://youtu.be/bvLghveYDIk- MathematicsThe students continued to understand subtraction during August. They continued with the subtraction of 4-digit numbers with regrouping. Thereafter, they were introduced to Subtraction word problems using the RUCSAC method. Students were encouraged to frame the answer statements and write in their notebooks. They revisited both the number operations by Mental Math quiz. Taking learning further to an experiential mode and as a part of Math, Science, and Art Integration, a parent walk-in exhibition was organised where the little educators taught the basic operations of mathematics, the Shin Program, and Mental Math to their parents beautifully. After subtraction, students were introduced to another mathematical operation - MULTIPLICATION. They first related multiplication with their real-life surroundings and identified that repeated addition can be used to create multiplication tables. They were introduced to key terms and keywords related to multiplication. Thereafter, the properties of multiplication were taken one by one and discussed briefly with the children. The students learned short tricks to multiply any number by 1,10 and 100. The concept of vertical multiplication was introduced to the children where the multiplicands were of 2 and 3-digit numbers and the multiplier was a 1-digit number. Hindiमास का आरंभ 'भाषा सप्ताह एकीकरण' के अंतर्गत हिन्दी में पढ़ाए गए विषय ‘कोयल’ कविता सामाजिक विज्ञान से एकीकृत करते हुए कोयल पक्षी के विषय में शानदार प्रस्तुतीकरण के साथ किया गया जिसके द्वारा छात्रों के अंतरवैयक्तिक कौशल, भाषाई कौशल, और वाचन कौशल का विकास हुआ | मीठी बोली वाले पक्षी कोयल से किया गया । वीडियो द्वारा विभिन्न पशु - पक्षियों के चित्र दिखाकर पूछा गया कि अमुक प्राणी से हम क्या सीख सकते है । तत्पश्चात कोयल पक्षी के बारे में बताया गया कि यह पक्षी देखने में काला होते हुए भी अपनी मीठी बोली के कारण सभी को लुभाता है। इसी प्रकार छात्रों को मीठी बोली के फायदे बताते हुए उन्हे मीठी बोली बोलने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया । छात्रों को लिंक दिखाकर वचन का परिचय दिया गया व कुछ वचन शब्द स्वयं लिखने के लिए प्रेरित करते हुए अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया । छात्रों को लिंक दिखाकर समान लय वाले शब्दों का परिचय दिया गया व कुछ समान लय वाले शब्द स्वयं लिखने के लिए प्रेरित करते हुए अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया । छात्रों को वीडियो लिंक के माध्यम से शुद्ध – अशुद्ध का परिचय दिया गया और व्याकरण पुष्प से पठन कार्य करवाते हुए अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया। शुद्ध – अशुद्ध की गतिविधि कराई गई जिससे छात्र नए शब्दों के अर्थ और उनके शुद्ध – अशुद्ध से परिचित होकर अपने शब्द भंडार में वृद्धि कर पाए। पाठ-'शेरु ने ढूँढी गेंद' का पठन करवाते हुए पालतू जानवरों के साथ मित्रतापूर्ण व्यवहार रखने व उनको रखने के लाभों से परिचित कराया गया। छात्रों को लिंक दिखाकर समान लय वाले शब्दों का परिचय दिया गया व कुछ समान लय वाले शब्द स्वयं लिखने के लिए प्रेरित करते हुए अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया । https://youtu.be/ZxVQn6qg01I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2JLZMA49zE https://youtu.be/ONt-H-pmoy0 ICTThe students were introduced to the user-friendly Windows 10 Operating System. They learned about its various features, including the taskbar, icons, selecting and deselecting items, changing the desktop background, setting a screen saver, exploring different mouse pointers, and shutting down the computer. physical EducationBadminton: Practicing footwork and movements with a shuttlecock, wall hitting, shuttle juggling, and knocking with partners. Students were practicing 4 corners footwork and clear skill practice. Swimming: Breathing techniques inside and outside water, bubbling, freestyle kicking on spot, arm action of freestyle stroke. Gymnastics: Students practiced standing bridge, handstand-bridge, cartwheel on the balancing beam and free hand jump. Judo: Ogoshi (Waist throw), Tai Sabaki (Turning movement), Uchi Komi (Technique practice) and Ukemis (Falls). Cricket: Due to maintenance of ground students played indoor Cricket at MPH and practiced Basic rules of the sport, Batting basics, Bowling basics, Fielding drills, Hand-eye coordination drills. Shooting: Weapon introduction, fundamentals and safety rules, range commands, single hand holding with 1Kg dumbbell. Dummy holding with the help of dummy and double hand holding without dumbbell. Football: Due to maintenance of ground students were going to Badminton, Gymnastics and Kho Kho. Indian Musicअगस्त माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से, तीन ताल परिचय, तबला बोल गीत, झण्डा गीत , राग भीमपालसी एवं भैरव परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक, तबला ,कांगो ,हारमोनियम । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक,गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय । वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) स्वतंत्रत दिवस कार्यक्रम मे चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने देशभक्ति गीत का प्रदर्शन किया Western MusicSong: "I Have a Dream" by ABBA Students have been learning to play "I Have a Dream" by ABBA, focusing on both drumming and guitar techniques. For the drums, they practiced using the paradiddle pattern: Paradiddle Pattern: Right-Left-Right-Right and Left-Right-Left-Left Technique: Start slowly to ensure each stroke is even and controlled. Gradually increase the speed while practicing with a metronome to maintain consistent timing. Students also incorporated paradiddles into drum fills and grooves to develop their versatility. On the guitar, they used a 4/4 strumming pattern, which includes: 1st Beat: Downstroke - strong and steady 2nd Beat: Downstroke - slightly softer After 2nd Beat: Upstroke - quick and light 3rd Beat: Upstroke - light and quick After 3rd Beat: Downstroke - slightly softer Upstroke: Strong and steady The instruments used in this practice were drums, guitar, piano, and keyboard. The students enjoyed combining these elements to create a harmonious rendition of this beautiful song! DramaIn August, our drama class focused on mastering essential voice and breath control techniques, crucial for effective performances. Here are the highlights: • Volume Control: Students practiced modulating their voices, understanding the importance of varying volume to convey different emotions and situations. • Breath Control: We introduced exercises to enhance breath control, helping students sustain longer phrases and maintain clarity in their speech. • Voice Projection Techniques: The class focused on projecting their voices without straining, ensuring they could be heard clearly in any setting. • Emphasis and Meaning: Students practiced how stressing or emphasizing specific words in a sentence can change its meaning, enhancing their expressive abilities. • Group Performance: Students applied these techniques in group activities, improving their ability to collaborate and perform cohesively as a team. By the end of the month, students demonstrated significant improvement in their vocal abilities, contributing to more dynamic and engaging group performances. Western danceThe students learned in the month of August 1. The dance form: Freestyle on the song "Rang De Basanti." 2. Basic vocabulary of freestyle dance like foot taps, hops, and shuffles. 3. Techniques of freestyle such as using the left side to initiate movements and shoulder isolations. 4. Creation of a small routine with powerful movement combinations and incorporating vocal expressions. Indian danceIn August, students from grades 3 learned a dance based on the theme of Krishna and Radha. The choreography combined elements from two dance styles: Kathak and Garba. This Krishna-Radha-themed dance helped students understand and portray the characters of Krishna and Radha through their movements and expressions. The rhythm patterns, steps, and movements were set in counts of 4 and 8. Students learned to use Asamyukta Hast Mudras (single-hand gestures) such as Arala and Pataka from Kathak, and they explored floor patterns with claps typical of Garba. The dance was performed to the song "Radha Ke Sang Mein Aaj, Raas Rache Krishna Kanha." Visual artStudents were introduced to the concept of balance in art through a pot with a flower as their subject. They learned how to construct the pot using basic shapes, followed by a demonstration on coloring with oil pastels to bring their drawings to life. The activity focused on understanding balance, shape construction, and effective use of oil pastels for vibrant coloring. life skillsIn the life skills sessions, we delved in the important topic of friendship. We discussed what friendship truly means and how to distinguish between good and bad friendships. The students learned that a good friendship is built on trust, respect, and mutual support, while a bad friendship might involve hurtful behavior or make them feel pressured. We also emphasized the importance of avoiding harmful friendships and being empathetic and kind to everyone they interact with. This lesson encourages them to choose friends wisely and treat others with compassion
EnglishApril in Grade III was filled with exciting activities! The students kicked off with an icebreaker, getting to know each other better. In Literature, they explored "A Home for Grandfather," diving into comprehension questions and enriching their vocabulary with word checks and fill-ups. The learners' writing skills blossomed as they learned about paragraph structure and crafted paragraphs on topics like favourite seasons, animals, and dream rooms. Additionally, they delved into the world of nouns, mastered spelling with Nelson's book, and honed their language skills through engaging exercises. April was a month of growth and the young enthusiasts looked forward to what's next! May was a month filled with fun adventures for our third-grade English learners. They explored "silent letters b and k" and "soft C" words in their English Spelling book and they delved into the world of articles through the book- Nelson Grammar, sharpening their understanding in notebooks and workbooks. Engaging in lively discussions and reading the poem, 'Sorry, Sorry, Sorry' with the help echo reading strategy. They discovered new words and practised paragraph writing. Through the story of Robinson Crusoe, they understood the timeless lessons of bravery, survival, and the power of human ingenuity. Throughout the month, our students displayed their passion, creativity, and growth, making May a truly memorable learning experience. ScienceApril began with a series of interactive ice-breaking activities. Students were then encouraged to observe their surroundings during a Nature Walk, where they experienced firsthand the differences between living and non-living things. Using audio-visual aids such as PowerPoint presentations, videos, and images, they learned to differentiate features of living and non-living things, including respiration, growth, movement, and reproduction.The class also conducted a germination activity, where students enthusiastically participated in a hands-on experience that demonstrated how living things grow, whereas non-living things do not. Additionally, students explored the structure of their own bodies, learning about cells (the basic units of life), tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. This study included learning about the positions and functions of various organs, which strengthened their understanding and provided clarity on these concepts. LINKS: 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saL8acHZJ8Q 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8fST3DHRJo 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S83_yGbMq4 4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9mTpJmJXU0 In May, students continued their learning journey by studying various organ systems. They visited the laboratory to learn about the skeleton and how it functions. A fun activity involved checking their friends' pulses, which helped them understand how the heart works. Through audio-visual aids such as PowerPoint presentations, videos, and images, students gained insights into the functioning of different body systems.They also participated enthusiastically in a hands-on respiratory system activity using balloons and straws, which deepened their understanding of the nose, windpipe, and lungs. The peer teaching methodology proved effective in helping students revise for UT-1. LINKS: 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8fST3DHRJo 2) https://youtu.be/Z0p2HCFp8KM SOCIAL SCIENCEEffortlessly and firmly taking the next step of their lives , our students graduated to Grade III. With never-ending enthusiasm, they introduced themselves. We then together started our research on how humans evolved. They were shown the pictures of the weapons that the Early Humans used and tried to connect their lives and difficulties. They learnt about the life of Early Humans by using a variety of strategies and teaching methodologies. It was incredible to see their surprise and excitement as they compared modern and early human life. The Discovery of fire was eventful for which they were excited to see the videos and understand the it. As said by Maria Montessori, ‘The hands are the instruments of man’s intelligence.’ To improve our children’s creative and cognitive skills, students along with the teacher learnt to build a raft and understood the ancient forms of transport on the way! To enhance their learning about the Early Humans our learners created and crafted a raft with twigs of branches/ bamboo sticks and understood how exciting and difficult it must have been for Early Humans to build this. Also they learned the role of farming in the early humans lives which further took them towards the civilized way of settlements and discovering the wheel and Potter's wheel which gradually changed and made their life easy. To recapitulate their learning students attempted a worksheet also. Our enthusiastic Suncitizens further explored the theme ‘My World’. As an introduction to the topic, the class observed and discovered the map of India which revealed their next topic - ‘Our Country’. Using the map maker tool students located their country’s location on the world map. Further learning about India, students developed a sense of patriotism and a desire to serve their country as they learnt about the national symbols of India. To conclude the topic, the children revised their learnings through a game of Match and Pair. Deep diving into the learning about Indian States and Union Territories, students were explained the need to divide the country into states and Union Territories and the role of Central and State governments in the functioning of a country. To offer structured learning students were introduced to the states in the North region. A detailed study of Haryana was taken up about the culture , major cities , handicrafts, famous cities ,places and sportsperson. The study was reinforced by an elaborate video about the state. LINKS: 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeushnbZsXI 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcTdxD-eKk0 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S9XZGlupvw MATHEMATICSStudents were welcomed to the new session through an enjoyable activity where they formed different 4 digit numbers using digit cards. To check their prior knowledge, they were asked to identify 4-digit numbers in and around their homes. They came up with interesting observations. Similarly, they were asked to write some facts about number 1000. The students understood the Place Value concept through Place value blocks. They happily made four-digit numbers using number cards and represented their numbers using various forms – Expanded, Word, Standard and Model forms. They understood the difference between Face Value and Place Value. They explored 'Ordering Numbers' and 'Comparing Numbers' and practiced sums in their notebooks. PowerPoint quiz was used to evaluate their knowledge about Odd and Even numbers. Rounding off to the nearest Tens was explained. The month of May started with the revision for UT-1. In the last week before Summer vacations , Addition was introduced using keywords. Students discussed different rules ( properties ) of Addition to be followed while solving addition sums. Place value blocks - https://www.didax.com/apps/base-ten-blocks/ Hindiमास का आरंभ छात्रों का परिचय लेकर किया गया । कक्षा में छात्रों को भाषा के विभिन्न रूपों यथा मौखिक, लिखित और सांकेतिक भाषा की जानकारी दी गई।'लुई ब्रेल' जैसे प्रभावशाली व्यक्ति एवं उनके द्वारा नेत्रहीन लोगों के लिए किए गए महान कार्य 'ब्रेल लिपि' से भी छात्रों को अवगत कराया गया । विभिन्न उदाहरणों द्वारा वर्णमाला का ज्ञान कराते हुए स्वर, व्यंजन, संयुक्त व्यंजन व मात्राओं आदि की जानकारी दी गई । अनुस्वार, अनुनासिक समझाते हुए शब्द लिखवाए गए तथा वर्णमाला पाठ को पढ़ाकर अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया । मात्राओं का प्रयोग सिखाने के लिए छात्रों को एक मनोरंजक गतिविधि करवाते हुए एक शब्द लड़ी बनवाई गई । छात्रों को वस्तुओं की गणना करने में सक्षम बनाने हेतु उन्हें १-३० तक गिनती लेखन कराया गया व साथ-साथ दिन व महीनों के हिन्दी नाम भी लिखवाए गए जिससे छात्र उनके हिन्दी नामों से भी परिचित हों। ' हिन्दी पंचांग गतिविधि' द्वारा छात्रों से एक महीने का पंचांग बनाने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया जिससे उन्हें पंचांग को पढ़ने व समझने में कठिनाई न हो। 'खेलों का हमारे जीवन में महत्व' विषय पर चर्चा करते हुए व छात्रों से उनके मनपसंद खेल के बारे में पूछते हुए खेलों के विषय में जानकारी दी गई। तत्पश्चात पाठ- 'खेल और सेहत' का पठन करवाया गया व कठिन शब्दों के अर्थ, वाक्य निर्माण एवं अन्य अभ्यास कार्य करवाए गए। सतत विकास लक्ष्य-३ (उत्तम स्वास्थ्य व खुशहाली) से एकीकृत करते हुए ‘खेलों का सेहत से संबंध’ विषय पर चर्चा की गई व वीडियो दिखाया गया । कक्षा में उपलब्ध वस्तुओं की पहचान कराते हुए संज्ञा का परिचय दिया गया । वीडियो लिंक के द्वारा संज्ञा के बारे में जानकारी दी गई। विभिन्न क्रियाकलापों द्वारा छात्रों के व्याकरणिक ज्ञान, भाषिक योग्यता व शब्दकोश में वृद्धि हुई । संबंधित लिंक - 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh1sRcVkF0I 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yF_TphWiDyo&t=135s 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkMasoNWF9E ICTThe session commenced with an interactive activity where the students introduced themselves. This was followed by an icebreaking exercise in which students shared their favourite software, activity, or application by drawing it in their unique way on paper, while their peers guessed what was depicted. Students were then motivated to observe the parts of a computer in the ICT lab and classify these parts based on their functions into categories such as Input, Process, Output, and Storage. They also learned about the IPO (Input-Process-Output) cycle by connecting it with daily life activities. Additionally, students created a poster on SDG 15 - Life on Land using Tux Paint, allowing them to learn and implement the Magic, Paint, Line, and Stamp tools in the software. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cUg89faLdQ PHYSICAL educationBadminton: Outdoor Practice: Practicing footwork and movements without a shuttlecock, wall hitting, shuttle juggling, and knocking with partners. Gymnastics: Terminology terms like vault, beam, floor exercise, uneven bars, and pommel horse were discussed, which are apparatuses used in gymnastics. Judo: Osotogari (the technique for throwing) all fall; Ushiro Ukemi; Mae Ukemi; and Yuko Ukemi. Cricket: Basics of Cricket- Understanding the objectives and equipment used in the game of cricket, including bats, balls, and wickets. Friendly matches among students. Basketball: Dribbling: Learning to control and move the basketball using right-hand and left-hand dribbles. Defensive rebounding and passing while on the move. Football: friendly matches among students. INDIAN MUSICअप्रैल एवं मई माह में छात्र-छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधियाँ: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार राग ताला परिचय: कहानी के माध्यम से, तीन ताल परिचय, तबला बोल गीत, राग समूह, राग भैरव परिचय, आरोह-अवरोह, बंदिश, एकल चलो रे प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक, तबला, कांगो, हारमोनियम गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक, गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय वाद्य: कांगो, बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय, हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल) Western musicSong: "Count on Me" by Bruno Mars Students will be able to sing in unison, individually, using loud and soft voices, and learn the time signature and arpeggios along with the melody of the song. Instruments used: Guitar, drums, piano INDIAN DANCEIn their Indian Dance lessons, the students learnt: The power of Deva Shree Ganesha, destroy all your sorrows, enhance your happiness, and create goodness all around you. Lord Ganesha bless you with worldly bounties. Keep you protected from obstacles at all times, with this thought we at Suncity started the new session with a beautiful Ganesh Vandana. Students learnt beautiful postures, mudras and body balancing along with Kathak basics- Tatkaar, Hastak, Shringar ras and body movements. Song: Hey Ganraya Dance style: Kathak WESTERN DANCE The students learnt: 1. The Dance form: Bhangra (Indian folk) 2. Basics vocabulary of Folk dance like foot taps, hops and shuffles. 3. Techniques of bhangra like using the left side to initiate the movements and shoulder isolations. 4. Creation of a small routine with power pack movement combinations and incorporating the voice as well. DRAMAOur new session commenced with a vibrant icebreaker, sparking enthusiasm from day one. This month, we honed in on: • Concentration Exercises: From simple to complex commands, students improved listening and task-following skills. • Focus-Boosting Activities: "Focus Counting" and "Frog in the Pond" enhanced their alertness and spatial awareness. • Surroundings Awareness: Emphasizing the importance of being observant on and off stage. In May, students learned about the importance of observation through various games and activities. They discovered how observation aids in theater performance and everyday life. Activities like the Mirror activity and "What Are You Doing?" helped them understand and practice observation skills. During improvisations, they recalled their observations to create and perform scenes or on-the-spot improvisations. VISUAL ARTSAs part of the World Art Day celebrations, students were introduced to the renowned artist S.H. Raza, whose works are celebrated globally for their artistic brilliance. Additionally, students engaged in creating vibrant Mother's Day posters, showcasing their creativity and appreciation for maternal love and nurturing. LIFE SKILLSWe led a life skills session for grades 3 to 5 on the topic "Who am I," focusing on self-awareness. The students engaged in activities where they identified their likes, dislikes, strengths, and talents. They shared their personal stories and created self-portraits that reflected their unique qualities. This session helped them gain a better understanding of themselves and boosted their self-confidence.
ENGLISHJanuary has been a jubilant month for our Grade 3 learners, filled with a plethora of activities that have enhanced their understanding and love for language. One of the highlights was diving into the world of prefixes, where students attempted Unit- 20 and 21 of their spelling book. This not only enriched their vocabulary but also strengthened their ability to understand new words, an essential skill in their educational journey. A particularly memorable activity was the reading and discussion of 'A Birthday Party'. This narrative exercise, complete with comprehension questions and a vocabulary check, allowed students to immerse themselves in the joys of storytelling while honing their reading comprehension skills. Adding to the linguistic feast, the month was peppered with sessions that reinforced homophones, guided by Spelling Book Unit 16. Moreover, the Just A Minute (JAM) Practice Sessions were a standout feature, where students confidently expressed their thoughts on various topics. This not only sharpened their public speaking abilities but also encouraged them to think on their feet. February's journey through the world of learning for our grade 3 scholars was both exciting and enriching. The month began with an emphasis on spelling, covering Units 11 and 12, and an introduction to Speech Marks, supplemented by targeted workbook exercises. In the following week, students honed their listening skills through comprehension activities, practised writing informal letters, and underwent a reading assessment to gauge their progress. Mid-month, the focus shifted back to Speech Marks, reinforcing this concept with additional workbook tasks. This was complemented by revision worksheets aimed at enhancing reading, writing, and literature skills. The month concluded with a thorough recap of topics in preparation for the annual exams, ensuring students are well-prepared and confident. ScienceThe month began with an introduction and understanding of another topic Sun, Moon and Stars. The students learnt about the Sun different planets in the solar system, their position and facts about them. A detailed discussion about the moon its surface and phases of moon was done in the class which clarified the doubts and added to their previous knowledge. Learners were made aware about the stars and constellations like Great bear and Orion(Integration with S.ST). They were also given knowledge about India's first astronomer and non Indian astronomers. Fabulous February started with the new concept of Our Earth where students learned about the movement of the earth - Rotation and Revolution; how day and night and seasons are caused. This month was about learning new concepts and recapitulating the old ones. Revision of the Term-end syllabus was conducted using different platforms like MS Form quiz, oral recapitulation and written assessments. Doubt clearing sessions were also taken. social science"New year started with new learning for our learners about our universe, planets, solar system, sun and moon. It started with a song on solar system where the learners learned about the different planets and their positioning also how to remember their names according to their order. They became aware of the movements of Earth -Rotation and Revolution. And how these movements cause seasons and day/night. After knowing about the planet’s learners became aware of how the shape of Earth was determined . They learned about the poles and the use of compass . In a sailor's life compass is as important as his ship. They became aware of it. With the use of compass they also learned about the cardinal directions and their uses. They realised how precious Earth is by knowing its special features. Coming to the next topic learners also learned some new words along with their meaning like GLOBE , Atlas . LINKS: https://youtube.com/watch?v=mQrlgH97v94&feature=shares https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w36yxLgwUOc https://youtu.be/sFZGZLRr6Dk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzf7Zs1USoQ Fabulous February started with the new concept of Globes , Maps, and Atlas, World Maps and Oceans where students learned about the various continents and oceans in the world. Globe craftivity was done in the class so as to make learners aware about the various continents and facts about the same. Flipbook was also created by the learners on Solar System. This month was of learning new concepts and recapitulating the old ones. Written, oral revisions took place through out the month with the help of MS FORMS. Revision of the Term end syllabus was conducted using different platforms like Live quizzes, MS Form quiz, oral recapitulation and written assessments. Recapitulation of Map work was also taken in class. Doubt clearing sessions were also taken. MAthematicsThe students were warmly welcomed back post the Winter Break. Recapitulation of basic concepts of Metric Measures done through a verbal quiz in the class where in learners revised the different units of measurement. The students learnt how to measure, add, subtract and compare different lengths, volume, capacity and more. Learners develop problem-solving skills while investigating practical problems based on measurements. They related the concept with real life surroundings and solved word problems using RUCSAC method. Revision of Chapters – Fractions and Division was done through MS Form during online classes. Learners were excited and approached Unit Test II with confidence. Later, A topic on 'Time' was introduced which can be defined as the dimension based on which the evolution of any system takes place. The students were warmly welcomed back post the Winter Break. Recapitulation of basic concepts of Metric Measures done through a verbal quiz in the class where in learners revised the different units of measurement. The students learnt how to measure, add, subtract and compare different lengths, volume, capacity and more. Learners develop problem-solving skills while investigating practical problems based on measurements. They related the concept with real life surroundings and solved word problems using RUCSAC method. Revision of Chapters – Fractions and Division was done through MS Form during online classes. Learners were excited and approached Unit Test II with confidence. Later, A new topic 'Time' was introduced were children learnt to measure time in terms of seconds , minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. They also learnt to express time in other ways like O' clock, Quarter past, half past and Quarter To. Another topic ‘Money’ was briefed followed by an activity where children were asked to make a grocery bill by choosing items from the given table. Revision of chapters – Division, Metric Measures, Time and Pictorial Representation was done thoroughly to prepare the students for their final examination. hindiमास का आरंभ कहानी लेखन से कराया गया। छात्रों को कहानी लेखन के आवश्यक नियमों से परिचित कराते हुए संकेत बिंदुओं की सहायता से स्वयं कहानी लिखने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया। तत्पश्चात शीत ऋतु में होने वाली समस्याओं के विषय में चर्चा करते हुए छात्रों से पर्वतारोहियों के विषय में भी चर्चा की गई कि किस प्रकार पर्वतारोही अनेक कष्टों , बर्फीली आँधियों से टकराते हुए भी देश का गौरव बढ़ाने के लिए कार्य करते हैं। तत्पश्चात बछेंद्री पाल के संस्मरण से संबंधित विडिओ दिखाकर अपने लक्ष्य के प्रति अडिग रहने के लिए छात्रों को प्रोत्साहित किया गया। 'वह बर्फीली यात्रा' पाठ का पठन करवाया गया व संबंधित अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया । सामाजिक विज्ञान, कला व मासिक विषय 'ब्रह्मांड' से एकीकृत करते हुए एक परियोजना (PBL) तैयार करने को दी गई जिसके अंतर्गत छात्र अपने पर्वतीय अनुभवों, पर्वतीय क्षेत्र में पाए जाने वाले घर के चित्र , कुछ पर्वतारोहियों के नाम व प्रथम भारतीय महिला एवरेस्ट विजयी 'बछेंद्री पाल' के विषय में जानकारी दी। छात्रों को आने वाली इकाई परीक्षा -२ के लिए व्याकरण, साहित्य व रचनात्मक लेखन से संबंधित पुनरावृत्ति भी कराई गई। छात्रों को वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द क्या होते है, उसकी जानकारी दी गई व उनसे अपने वातावरण में आस-पास दिखाई देने वाली वस्तुओं, व्यक्तियों व स्थानों के विषय में भी शब्द पूछे गए । संबंधित अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया जिससे उनके शब्द भंडार व भाषिक योग्यता में वृद्धि हुई । Link: https://youtu.be/GQFnqFT3giQ https://youtu.be/B7lNwhLr1fk मास का आरंभ कहानी लेखन से कराया गया। छात्रों को कहानी लेखन के आवश्यक नियमों से परिचित कराते हुए संकेत बिंदुओं की सहायता से स्वयं कहानी लिखने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया। तत्पश्चात शीत ऋतु में होने वाली समस्याओं के विषय में चर्चा करते हुए छात्रों से पर्वतारोहियों के विषय में भी चर्चा की गई कि किस प्रकार पर्वतारोही अनेक कष्टों , बर्फीली आँधियों से टकराते हुए भी देश का गौरव बढ़ाने के लिए कार्य करते हैं। तत्पश्चात बछेंद्री पाल के संस्मरण से संबंधित विडिओ दिखाकर अपने लक्ष्य के प्रति अडिग रहने के लिए छात्रों को प्रोत्साहित किया गया। 'वह बर्फीली यात्रा' पाठ का पठन करवाया गया व संबंधित अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया । सामाजिक विज्ञान, कला व मासिक विषय 'ब्रह्मांड' से एकीकृत करते हुए एक परियोजना (PBL) तैयार करने को दी गई जिसके अंतर्गत छात्रों ने अपने पर्वतीय अनुभवों, पर्वतीय क्षेत्र में पाए जाने वाले घर के चित्र , कुछ पर्वतारोहियों के नाम के विषय में जानकारी दी। छात्रों को आने वाली इकाई परीक्षा -२ के लिए व्याकरण, साहित्य व रचनात्मक लेखन से संबंधित पुनरावृत्ति कराई गई। छात्रों को वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द क्या होते हैं, उसकी जानकारी दी गई व उनसे अपने वातावरण में आस-पास दिखाई देने वाली वस्तुओं, व्यक्तियों व स्थानों के विषय में भी शब्द पूछे गए । संबंधित अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया जिससे उनके शब्द भंडार व भाषिक योग्यता में वृद्धि हुई । मास की शुरुआत चाँद की कलाओं के विषय में जानकारी देने से की गई । उन्हे मास के दिनों व दोनों पक्षों- कृष्ण पक्ष, शुक्ल पक्ष, अमावस्या, पूर्णिमा आदि के विषय में हिन्दी पंचांग के माध्यम से जानकारी प्रदान की गई। तत्पश्चात महाकवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर जी की महान कविता'चाँद का कुरता' का पठन करवाया गया व भाव स्पष्ट करते हुए लिखित अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया । तत्पश्चात कविता -जागो और जगाओ कविता का सस्वर वाचन कराकर छात्रों को सुबह जल्दी जागने के फ़ायदों से परिचित कराया गया। वार्षिक परीक्षा हेतु विभिन्न पुनरावृत्ति पत्रों द्वारा व्याकरण, साहित्य व रचनात्मक लेखन की पुनरावृत्ति करवाई गई। ICTStudents were introduced to Scratch Programming. They were guided that it is a programming language for children. They learnt to use sprite, background and blocks. They were guided to animate birds and butterfly to show a garden scene. They also created an aquarium scene and related with SDG 14 - Life below water. Students were able to embark on the journey of coding by using logical reasoning and creative thinking using Scratch Programming. The students revised the concepts of Scratch and Paint 3D through Revision Sheets and Sample papers. They also did hands-on practice to make different programs in Scratch using block based coding. They were able to create beautiful animations. They also appeared for their Theory and practical Annual Exam. physical educationUnder the guidance of their respective teachers/ coaches, students learnt: Badminton: Evaluation of skills, skill demonstration by students, practice with teacher, 11 points match, Knockout matches and match playing. Gymnastics: Basic floor exercises and balancing beam activities, performed on a padded floor mat, involving a combination of forward roll, backward roll, handstand and artistic exercise, walking and balancing on the beam. Judo: Ushiro Ukemi (Backward fall), Mae Ukemi (Forward fall) Cricket: Batting Basics, Front foot defence, Backfoot defence, Bowling basics, Pace bowling, spin bowling, Fielding drills, Running between the wickets, Practice Matches to apply all the knowledge. Basketball: Shooting Layups: A fundamental shot where a player drives to the basket and shoots the ball off the backboard or into the hoop and Free Throws Football: Push pass, In step receiving the ball, Outstep Receiving and Chest pass, Kicking; Drills to teach In step, Out step, Chip shot, Short and long-distance kicking. Heading and Throwing and Defense. Swimming: Basic Strokes: Front Crawl (Freestyle), Backstroke Badminton: Outdoor Practice: Practicing footwork and movements without a shuttlecock, wall Hitting, shuttle juggling, knocking with partners. Gymnastics: Terminology terms like vault, beam, floor exercise, uneven bars, and pommel horse were discussed which are apparatuses used in gymnastics. Judo: Osotogari ( Technique for throw) all fall, ushiro ukemi, mae ukemi and Yuko ukemi. Cricket: Basics of Cricket: Understanding the objectives and equipment used in the game of cricket, including bats, balls, and wickets. Match was played. Basketball: Dribbling: Learning to control and move the basketball using right-hand and left-hand dribbles. Defensive rebounding and passing while movement. Football: Match play among themselves. Indian musicजनवरी माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: |
Class teachersMs. Roma Khatri (III-A) Archives
October 2024